Can you define your own happiness?
What is happiness? Do you know how to define happiness? Happiness seems like a simple word, but it does have a pretty important role in our lives. To dive in how happiness have a huge impact on the way we live our lives, read on.
Key Steps To Take:
- Define your happiness! You can’t hit your goal you can’t see!
- Remember D.O.S.E. – dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphins. These are the hormones that facilitates happiness. The body can create them if you do the things that makes their release possible
- Around 70-90% of serotonin, the mood regulator, is created in the gut! Go check it out
- Check yourself before you wreck yourself. What if you chose to put yourself in environments that facilitated the state of happiness? Let’s experiment and see what happens?
Learn more about this topic by checking out my latest IG videos below:
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