How to Live Life on Your Own Term

Mathew Park, creator of Trainer Revenue Multiplier ‘TRM’, has a deep passion in working with personal trainers in helping them charge what they are worth, become insanely profitable and in systemizing there business for more time freedom and fun
How do you define personal greatness? (04:25)
I would say it’s the aspect of understanding how you can serve and doing it to your fullest capacity.
Tell me about where you were before you found your passion (06:24)
– In my mid-20s, I was really looking to do multiple things and do them all successfully. And I would say if multiple things all half, you know, half moderate or half mediocre, which means that they were all okay paying the bills, but never really taking off.
– When I was 29, I had nothing left. I had zero. I made the move from Alberta, to Quebec for my wife. And I kind of begin a whole new life over her
-I went back to fitness after that
How and when did you decide to go all in? (13:03)
– I was moving away from pain. I had so much pain associated with doing a bunch of things that I knew I had to change. It wasn’t working.
– My wife is my accountability partner during all of this
Any advice on growing finances and business? (15:00)
– Before you can make 30 or 40 K, you got it, you got to internally be there, thermostat wise
– You got to be there internally and grow with your business
– I just had to refocus and rechannel
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