Trust in Your Wings
Trusting yourself (03:15)
– As human beings, we have a built in mechanism not to be vulnerable and not to trust in our own self. We have a lot of self doubt. Maybe that’s been thrown at us from past influencers, people that influenced us, or maybe we’ve experienced some roadblocks and challenges that we came up against, and maybe they’ve even defeated us at one point.
– And we’ve taken that defeat and carried it forward. And now it affects everything. And you know what? A lot of us were afraid to get out there and be vulnerable because it comes with some risks and some challenges, and I was afraid to go for it.
– Look at the resources that you have, both the inherent resources. So the things that you were born at your God given talents, and also look at the skills that you have managed to learn over the years, both technical and things
What can we learn from success and failures? (05:36)
– You’ve done a hundred thousand things right over the years, you’ve done so many things, right. Or we seem to always focus on the one, the 10 out of a thousand and we let those defeats quote, unquote, just stay in our heads and keep us performing below our potential. So trust in your wings. Don’t worry about the branch.
– If you trust in your wings, you can land on any branch. Cause if that wing, if that branch breaks, your wings are there to take you to support you, to lift you.
– So when you trust in your wings, trust in everything that you have gathered up to this point, all the greatness that you’ve done often tell my clients, I want you to write down a you’d done good list.
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