Is This Your Journey?

Is this your journey?

You’ve hit all your professional goals and the future looks bright. Your runway is clear and the sky is the only limit above you. This is well-deserved because you have put in your time. You have been on the proverbial grind so it wasn’t easy by any stretch of the imagination! So many people look at the end results and very few dig into the backstory to find out what sacrifice it took to be able to enjoy the fruits of your labour.

However, despite feeling invincible on the professional plane of competition, you just don’t feel that your entire game is on point. You have often left your health in the category of “when I get some time”, knowing fully well that we only have 24h in a day, and we cant make more of this non-refundable entity.

Then we add the need to make sure that we have time for the ever-growing family and your personal relationship. After all, we know deep down inside that the love, care and connection to  your family stands far above the achievement of any professional goals. The true question to ask yourself is: who will cry when I die? Who will be there for me when I am in time of need, when the chips are down? That is what we’re really building. That’s the equity worth investing in! What we are talking about here is legacy!

"I remember walking into Alvin’s office for the first time expecting manual therapy and leaving with my mind blown and filled with new ideas of what was possible for me and in my life. Alvin was the catalyst for completely changing my life and setting a new upward trajectory in my life path and thinking. I would drive 60+ minutes every week to be able to work personally with Alvin and every time he would have new lessons, questions, and resources to guide my path. The thing that first drew me to Alvin was how much this man seemed to have accomplished while keeping calm, balanced and doing it all with integrity. He is a great dad of 4, loving husband, business owner, and keeps himself in great shape all with a smile on his face and without a negative word toward a single person. Alvin’s true gift is not only what he does, but WHO HE IS. Even now, 15 years later, his standard of being still permeates my mind and everything I do. I wouldn’t be the same without him. "
Ben Pakulski
What we also don’t want to do, is to sacrifice our  connection to our greatest self, because you know when you are in your zone of brilliance, you are unstoppable!  Remember the days when you had that spark in your eyes? Your gaze was set to the horizon, your chest and heart was open and free! Everything looked bright, and it seemed like the world was your oyster! That kind of unbridled passion was your super-power. You were hungry and the desire was something you could almost taste! It was that fire that kept you yearning for more and your desire for achievement was insatiable! That’s how you managed to achieve the life you are now living.

You can still feel that zest, but the journey to where you are now came at a cost! The cost was that it stole a little of your mojo. You just don’t feel the same drive you had a few years ago when you started. It’s not like there isn’t more to achieve, actually, lots more! The issue now is that the heart and passion is still there, but physically and mentally, you are pushing your limits and the road ahead seems a bit more daunting.

On a physical level, you have noticed some reduction in your overall ability to perform at the same levels you use to. The loss of your strength and endurance was insidious, and your recovery time is not as it use to be. It takes that much longer to come back from exercise, injury, and most activities seem to come at a cost to your overall energy. Not to mention the effects on your libido. You sometimes get so overwhelmed that intimacy is far from your imagination and this bothers you because you know the importance of that treasured time with your partner.

Your sleep is an issue, and you realize that this doesn’t help with your ability to focus with the same laser-like intensity that you use to back in the day.  We can’t forget the effect of loss of sleep has on your patience and mental acuity. Basically, you just aren’t as sharp as you want to be and it seems like a vicious cycle.

All of this makes you wonder if you still have the ability to come back and feel that intense drive you once did? Inside you feel in your 20’s, but your body performs like you’re in your 80’s, and not the athletic and active  80 year old either.

So where do you go from here?
“As a former professional hockey player I have worked with countless practitioners over the years and nobody understands the mind body connection like Alvin. His relentless pursuit to understand optimal human performance has equipped him with an extensive toolkit to help his clients achieve their goals. Throughout my career, Alvin helped me both prevent and recover from injuries as well as sharpen my mind for peak performance. I always leave my sessions feeling reinvigorated by Alvin’s contagious energy and passion. He’s the man!” 
Mike Kostka
Professional NHL Hockey Player

A complex problem like most of our life’s story, calls for a multi-pronged approach, and that is exactly what I have designed to help you to achieve three outcomes:

  1. Optimize your health
  2. To work and play at peak performance levels
  3. To be able to relentless pursue what brings you joy and purpose

Let’s connect for a discovery  and  compatibility call to see how we can answer all your questions

"Alvin and I first met in 2001 after a freshman year at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga riddled with knee injuries. I was unable to return to competition despite multiple bouts of other forms of treatment. Alvin’s holistic approach to diagnosis and treatment immediately turned things around. I was able to return to competition from 2001-2006, winning multiple Southern Conference titles and qualifying for 2005 Division 1 NCAA National Cross-Country Championships. While my competitive days have long past, Alvin continues to play an integral role in keeping me moving as a father, Orthopedic Surgeon, and recreational athlete. Alvin has been there every step of the way.
Ian Mayne MD, FRCSC
Orthopedic Surgeon – Sports Medicine, Shoulder & Elbow Reconstruction
Former University of Tennessee at Chattanooga NCAA Cross-Country and Track & Field Athlete
3x Southern Conference Champion, NCAA Division 1 National Qualifier, 2x NCAA Academic All-American