Get your priorities in order
Many people begin an exercise program early days of the year, but abandon it quickly. In fact, 90% of those folks were no longer coming to the gym by March. It’s an insane phenomenon. In fact, a recent client of mine is asking me how to maintain focus and stay on the gym. Well, it’s all start with the purpose and getting your priorities in order. Check out the video below and find out how to set your purpose and get your priorities in the correct order.
The first thing to consider when you’re learning how to be more healthy is to establishing your purpose.
Let me ask you. Why should you take care of your body? List 5 reasons in your journal or in my free worksheet below.
You might have big ones and small ones. You just need to figure out what they are and write them down if that helps you. Be clear on what you want personally. Don’t make goals for other people. Do it for yourself.
Send your answers to our email: or send us an FB message here to start getting your priorities in order.
OR Download our Free Worksheet Here and send back a copy to me.
Let me know how can I help you in any way on your journey to personal greatness.