Think Outside The Box

Think Outside The Box

April 5, 2017 Body Physical 0

It’s Humpday Hustle! A perfect time to nourish our body; our true temple. Whenever we’re in pain, it is a common approach to manage and treat it on its exact location. For example, if someone has a shoulder injury, most doctors will either manage the shoulder with therapy, medication, injection, etc. Unfortunately, this often does little on treating pain in the long run. Why? Check out my latest Humpday Hustle video to find out why it is essential to think outside the box on treating pain and injury.

Our body is a magnificent machine. Its body parts are connected to each other, and can’t just be looked at as isolated parts. Whenever there is pain or discomfort in one part of the body, it can also affect other parts. Thus, treating pain and injury should be based on assessing different parts of the body to make sure that you treat the exact root cause of the pain.